Hartford Fire Insurance Company v. Medline Industries, Inc. et al.

Year: 2023
Court: Appellate Court of Illinois, First Judicial District
Case Number: 1-23-0841

In its amicus curiae brief, United Policyholders addresses the question of whether a liability insurer has a duty to defend an underlying lawsuit alleging only willful and intentional wrongdoing by an insured defendant but when liability could be established by proof of non-intentional, accidental conduct. Drawing on case law from Illinois and around the country, United Policyholders argues that an insurer’s broad duty to defend is triggered in such situations.

Evan Knott of Reed Smith


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Source: https://uphelp.org/amicus-briefs/hartford-fire-insurance-company-v-medline-industries-inc-et-al/
Date: June 30, 2024