Michael Cloud v. The Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan

Year: 2024
Court: United States Supreme Court
Case Number: 24-61

In its amicus brief, United Policyholders argues that the Supreme Court should grant certiorari to make clear that in the context of ERISA claims, federal courts are not required to give deference to fiduciaries who have denied benefit claims without engaging in a full and fair claims process. A rule that requires courts to defer to benefit denials reached under an unfair and non-compliant process does not adequately serve ERISA’s important aim of ensuring that employees receive the benefits they have earned under an employer established benefit plan.

Elizabeth Hopkins of Kantor & Kantor


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Source: https://uphelp.org/amicus-briefs/michael-cloud-v-the-bert-bell-pete-rozelle-nfl-player-retirement-plan/
Date: September 27, 2024