Ortiz v. MeadWestvaco Corporation, et al v. JV Industrial Companies, Ltd., et al

Year: 2019
Court: Supreme Court of Louisiana
Case Number: 2019-C-01123

In its brief, UP argues that an insurance company must establish that the events leading to the outcome of an underlying case actually prejudiced the insurance company in a manner that would not have happened had the insurance company received timely notice of the claim. UP argues that: 1. Louisiana law requires proof of actual prejudice to avoid policyholder forfeiture and insurance company windfall; 2. The modern view of insurance requires proof of prejudice before insurers may avoid coverage on the grounds of late notice; 3. Legal and insurance coverage authorities across jurisdictions agree that this modern view requires that insurance companies prove actual prejudice, not theoretical prejudice; and 4. Louisiana law strongly disfavors forfeiture of insurance coverage.

This brief was drafted pro bono by G. Andrew Veazey of Veazey Felder & Renegar, LLC


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Source: https://uphelp.org/amicus-briefs/ortiz-v-meadwestvaco-corporation-et-al-v-jv-industrial-companies-ltd-et-al/
Date: September 1, 2024