United States Fidelity and Guarantee Co. vs. United States Sports Specialty Association

Year: 2009
Court: Utah Supreme Court
Case Number: 20090657-SC

In this case an insurer went after its insured to recoup monies it had paid (over policy limits) as part of a settlement. UP argued that because the insurer had initiated the settlement and because there was no right of restitution expressly stated in the policy, it could not recoup. In a significant opinion favorable to policyholders, the Utah Supreme Court agreed.

UP’s brief was written pro bono by William G. Passannante, Esq. and Marc Ladd, Esq. of Anderson Kill & Olick, PC. Of Counsel: Amy Bach, Esq.


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Source: https://uphelp.org/amicus-briefs/united-states-fidelity-and-guarantee-co-vs-united-states-sports-specialty-association/
Date: December 3, 2024