UP featured at national FEMA webinar
At FEMA’s invitation, UP Executive Director Amy Bach was recently the featured presenter at a national webinar for “Voluntary Agency Liaisons” (VALs) and Emergency Managers throughout the United States. Bach focused on insurance problems after Tropical Storm Irene and reviewed the resources UP offers through our three programs.
Coordinating with FEMA, local agencies and other non-profits is central to UP’s work. FEMA “VALs” often call on UP to share our expertise on the insurance piece of the long term disaster recovery puzzle. While our ability to establish a local operation after disasters throughout the US continues to hinge on the availability of funding, our relationships with VALS helps us reach all those in need whether near or far. FEMA is involved at many levels after disasters. The agency oversees the National Flood Insurance Program, plus they issue needs-based grants to communities and individuals and are often involved in the long term recovery process.