Water Damage – Hot Topics
Editor’s Note: some of the information in this library may be superseded or outdated. For more information visit the Katrina (Water Damage) Library homepage.
A. Media Coverage
- MS. Judge Rules Against and For State Farm on Katrina Coverage
- Clock is Ticking on Storm Claims (pdf)
- Insurers Saw Record Gains in Year of Catastrophic Loss, www.latimes, April 5, 2006
- Insurers Profits Secure Post Hurricane, www.standardandpoors.com, March 14, 2006
- How Will Homeowners Insurance Litigation Play Out (pdf)
- Different Types of Policies in the Gulf Region
- Why Katrina Won’t Flood Insurance Co.’s
- NPR coverage – Wind vs. Water
- Industry Generated Statistics (pdf)
- PBS Katrina Insurance
- Insurers Have $ to Cover Claims
- MS. Commissioner Considers Mediating Claim Disputes
- Insurers Financial Ability to pay Katrina Claims
- Insurers’ Income and Surplus Rise Through Nine-Months 2005 Despite Record Catastrophe Losses
- Wooley Will Resign as Insurance Chief
- Pair Push Insurance Coverage Change, www.nola.com, February 22, 2006
- Post Disaster Building Costs Jump, www.nola.com, December 15, 2005
- After the Storms: Blogs Step Up Response to Hurricanes (pdf)
- Rules for rebuilding in New Orleans set by FEMA
- US Property Insurers’ Earnings Rose in ’05-Groups
- May ’05 MS. suit re: Biased State Farm Engineering Reports
- Homeowners Despair As Insurers Refuse to Pay
- Lott Says Insurers May Be Saddling U.S. With Hurricane Claims, Bloomberg, June 27, 2006LRA may take over insurance claims, www.nola.com, July 15, 2006
- Louisiana Supreme Court Upholds Suit Extension but Policyholders Need Still Beware
- Storm Passes, but Insurance Worries Stay, New York Times, Aug 30, 2006
- Commentary on First Katrina Insurance Case by Prof. Adam Scales, FindLaw, Aug. 18, 2006
- Reeling from disaster or reeling in the profits, Market Watch, Oct. 17, 2006
- 20/20 Webcast: Katrina Fraud, abc News
- Up Against the Seawall (pdf)
- Earnings for Insurers Are Soaring
- Miss. Congressman Calls for Federal Probe into Insurers’ Katrina Practices, gulflive.com, Jan. 10, 2007
- Lawsuit in Miss. stands in contrast to La., www.nola.com, Jan, 30, 2007
- Protesting Allstate’s Sugar Bowl Advertising
- Lawsuit in Miss. stands in contrast to La., www.nola.com, Jan. 30, 2007
- Duval decision in consolidated Katrina insurance/canal breach litigation
- UP pressure leads to Allstate Order to reinstate LA policies
- UP aids Gov’t agency investigating Katrina claim abuses, www.claimsmag.com
- State Farm Seeks to Bar Judge From Cases, bizyahoo.com, Feb. 23, 2007
- Attorneys who won punitive damages verdict settle State Farm cases, sunherald.com, July 6, 2007
- Judge won’t bow out of State Farm case, www.businessweek.com, Feb. 28, 2007
- Senter will not disqualify clerk
- Judge Senter opinion denying class cert for “slab” cases in MS (pdf)
- Katrina victims’ lawyers withdraw from proposal
- Class-Action Status Is Denied to Katrina Suits in Mississippi, www.nytimes.com, March 23, 2007
- Allstate Ordered to Pay $2.06 Million in Katrina Case, www.bloomberg.com, April 17, 2007
- The Allstate Corporation at Merrill Lynch Insurance Investor Conference – Final, www.insurancenewsnet.com
- State Farm starts notifying policyholders of Katrina agreement, www.sunherald.com, April 12, 2007
B. Statistics