California Homeowners:
Take the Home Insurance Survey Today
To help the thousands of Californians who are having trouble keeping their homes insured for a price they can afford, United Policyholders has launched a California Home Insurance Survey. This survey will be open for one year. It elicits data on home insurance costs as well as availability (which companies are “dropping” customers, which companies are writing new policies). It’s a confidential survey, and the data collected will help us and our partners help households keep their assets protected and be prepared for and in a position to rebound if disaster strikes.
If you are part of a group / organization in California, we invite you to share the survey with your community.
Here are three ways you can help us spread the word:
- Share on Social Media
- Include Survey link in your newsletter
- Add our Survey Slide as an announcement to a powerpoint presentation for a community meeting
Social Media Images and sample posts:
Facebook (post with image):
California Homeowners: Complete a short, confidential survey at:
This survey is being conducted by the consumer-focused nonprofit organization @UPHELP to collect data on California home insurance costs and availability. If you have been “dropped” by your insurance company recently or your rates have gone up significantly – please complete the survey. The data collected will help Californians keep their homes protected and be able to rebound after disasters. Thank you for your participation.
Instagram: (post with image, add link to bio)
California Homeowners: Complete a short, confidential survey at:
This survey is being conducted by the consumer-focused nonprofit organization @united_policyholders to collect data on California home insurance costs and availability. If you have been “dropped” by your insurance company recently or your rates have gone up significantly – please complete the survey. The data collected will help Californians keep their homes protected and be able to rebound after disasters. Thank you for your participation.
Twitter: (post with image)
CA Homeowners: We want to hear from you. Complete a short survey on home insurance. The data will help nonprofit org @uphelp help people find and keep affordable protection on their homes. Thank you! #dropped #homeinsurance
Add to a Newsletter or email to your community
(Sample Letter)
Dear Friend,
Please take a moment to complete a short, confidential survey on your home insurance at:
This survey is being conducted by the nonprofit consumer organization United Policyholders (“UP”). The purpose is to collect data on home insurance throughout California. Many residents are having trouble keeping and finding affordable insurance on their homes, and UP is working to fix the situation.
If you have been “dropped” by a home insurance company in recent years and/or your rates have gone up significantly – please complete this short and confidential survey. The survey results will help our organization and our partners help you keep your assets insured and protected.
Thank you for your participation!
For more information on United Policyholders and the purpose of this survey, visit:
Please note: this survey is for homeowners only, if you are a renter, you do not need to complete the survey. However, UP strongly encourages renters to consider buying insurance. UP does not sell insurance or accept funding from insurance companies, so this guidance is based on years of experience with how insurance makes or breaks one’s ability to recover from a disaster.
Thank you,
Add our Slide as an announcement to a community meeting powerpoint