Welcome to the Wildfire Risk Reduction and Asset Protection (“WRAP”) Resource Center, a United Policyholders’ initiative supported by a statewide network of resiliency advocates and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. 

Our goals are to reduce wildfire risk throughout California and help property owners access fairly priced insurance.  In this WRAP Resource Center you’ll find out about the home improvements that reduce wildfire risk, access leads to programs and people that can help you make those improvements, and info on risk reduction activities in your community.   Let’s get started!

Grant Alert: 

ReCoverCA Owner-Occupied Mitigation (OOM) Grant: (Scroll down to OOM Grant)

Eligible Home Hardening & Mitigation Costs Include:
• Debris clearance, demolition, landscaping, repairs, etc. that increase the level of protection from future wildfires and disasters.
• Defensible Space and Home Hardening activities that increase resilience and reduce or eliminate long-term risks and impacts of future disasters.
• Activities that assist in bringing a home and property up to code with Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) standards.

Eligible Counties Include: Butte, Santa Cruz, Solano, Fresno, Los Angeles, Napa, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Sonoma counties.

Thank you Brittany Halfhide, ReCoverCA, for sharing this opportunity with our WRAP working group.  You can watch her presentation here.

1. Official Wildfire Risk Reduction Standards

Below you’ll find links to the two sets of similar but not identical wildfire risk reduction standards that are currently in place in California:

  1. The Safer from Wildfires set of standards was created by CALFire and the Department of Insurance.
  2. The Wildfire Prepared Home set of standards was created by The Institute for Building and Home Safety, an insurance-industry funded nonprofit research entity.

Meeting either of these standards will reduce your home’s chances of being damaged or destroyed in a wildfire and should qualify you for better insurance options and pricing in the future.

2. Assess Your Home

Assess your home using the links below, or request an assessment from a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist if available in your area.

IBHS Wildfire Prepared Home program offers a free online home assessment so that homeowners can work to meet the standards of a Wildfire Prepared Home. If your home is in a qualifying area, and you have completed the steps to become a “wildfire prepared home” you can request an assessment for $125 that will qualify your home for 3 years.

CAL FIRE Online Wildfire Preparedness Plan offers a personalized checklist for your home.

View a comparison IBHS and Safer from Wildfires wildfire risk reduction standards for existing homes provided by Madronus Wildfire Defense.

3. Insurance Discounts

Find out what mitigation steps matter to your current insurance company and what discounts may be available.  

You can do this by:

  1. Contacting your agent
  2. Contacting your insurance company 
  3. Using the California Department of Insurance list of insurers currently providing discounts based on mitigation. Some insurers are currently offering discounts for NFPA FireWise Community and Shelter-in-Place Community designations.

Starting Aug. 23rd, 2023, California FAIR Plan is offering discounts for home hardening (10%) and defensible space (5%).  Watch the recording of our recent WRAP resource sharing for more details.


4. D.I.Y. vs Paid Mitigation Services
5. Risk Reduction Grants and Help

Use the map to check your county’s Reference Library page for wildfire mitigation help and current programs in your area that may help with cost, planning, or labor for fire mitigation. 

6. Inspire Your Neighbors

Inspire your neighbors to take action! 

Need inspiration?

View the winning designs of the wildfire-resilient landscaping contest conducted at the University of California, Berkeley. A partnership with CSAA Insurance Group and the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), the contest was designed to produce innovative, affordable ideas for homeowners that emphasize wildfire defense while preserving attractiveness.