1. Is Earthquake Insurance Right For You?
    Doing the math to find out if buying it is the right financial decision for you.
  2. The Big One and The Big Question: Earthquake Insurance: To Buy or Not to Buy…?
    What to consider when weighing the pros and cons of buying earthquake insurance
  3. Earthquake Insurance Shopping Resources
    Shopping options for homeowners
  4. Earthquake Insurance for Renters
    Shopping options for renters
  5. Earthquake Insurance for Condos
    This link is to the CEA’s brochure on Earthquake Insurance for Condos/Townhouses
    Use the Earthquake Insurance Shopping guide below to compare companies.
  6. The Most Practical Ways to Prepare for an Earthquake
    Simple steps you can take depending on the availability of time and money

Shopping Guides

Links and Resources

For information on earthquake claims and damage repair, click here.