Dropped due to “aerial images.” Is this legal? emily.test asked 10 months ago
Dropped due to “aerial images.” Is this legal?

My insurance company sent me a letter that they are not renewing my coverage due to arial images of my property. Is this legal?

1 Answers
Answer for Dropped due to “aerial images”, Is this legal? United Policyholders Staff answered 10 months ago

Thank you for your question. We are hearing this more and more from consumers. While it is legal, we recommend you contact your insurer and get details on why they’re non-renewing you. What in the aerial photos are they basing their non-renewal on?

Ask to see the photos. If they mistook a skylight or solar panel for damaged roof tiles – set them straight.

Ask if there are any steps you can take to get them to reverse their decision.

Start shopping for replacement coverage right away. In California, you have 75 days to find a new policy.

Report your situation to your state Department of Insurance and elected officials.

We hope this is helpful.

For more information, read: https://uphelp.org/aerial-photos-are-leading-to-insurance-non-renewals/