Having the right kind and right amount of insurance is a key to preparedness and resilience. 

Thank you to the Denver Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) for funding our 2020 Colorado Preparedness and Resiliency preparedness project.  Through our tips from the Trenches webinar series, our nonprofit organization United Policyholders (UP) reached Colorado residents with road-tested tips on how to be a savvy and smart consumer when it comes to insuring your biggest asset: your home.  With 30 years helping disaster survivors navigate the insurance claim process UP knows what matters when it comes to insurance.

Tips from the Trenches:  Does Your Safety Net Have Holes?

a virtual training, including:

  • what disaster survivors wish they would have known about insurance
  • what fine print matters
  • how to save money in these unprecedented times
  • what to do if you are dropped by your insurer

Additional Information and Handouts:

View Recorded Trainings:

Renters: Get Prepared!
Wednesday, December 2nd at 4pm MT
View the Recording in English
View the Recording (en Español)

Tips from the Trenches (for homeowners)
Monday, November 30th at 6pm MT
View the Recording

Thanksgiving Preparedness Table Talk
Monday, November 23rd, at 12pm MT
View the Recording

Tips from the Trenches (for homeowners)
Monday, November 16th, at 5pm MT
View the Recording

Renters: Get Prepared!
Tuesday, October 20th at 6pm MT
Jefferson County
View the Recording
View the Recording (en Español)

Landlord Training Alliance
Wednesday, October 14th at 6pm MT
City of Longmont
*this training was not recorded*

Tips from the Trenches (for homeowners)
Tuesday, October 13th at 6pm MT
City of Lakewood
View the Recording
View the Flyer

Tips from the Trenches (for homeowners)
Tuesday, September 29th
Boulder County
View the Recording

Tips from the Trenches (for homeowners)
September 22nd, 2020
Denver County
View the Training 

Tips from the Trenches (for homeowners)
September 10th, 2020
Jefferson County
View the Recording

Thank you to the following local partners for your collaboration this project:

Colorado North Central Region – Recovery Committee, Jefferson County, City and County of Denver, Boulder County, City of Lakewood, City of Longmont

I attended the “Tips from the Trenches” webinar on 9/29/2020 and found it very helpful! It inspired me to do an insurance checkup that resulted in several adjustments to our policies and even got me to do a video inventory of our house!” 

– P. Brown, Training Attendee

“What a great presentation! I ended up bringing my husband to watch with me too. Several people commented in the chat that it was so interesting and they wish they had known before.  Thank you so much for the wonderful information and presentation”

– Paulina Erices, Jefferson County