2018 Hawai’i Insurance Claim Help (Kilauea Lava)

If you have been impacted by the rivers of lava that destroyed hundreds homes on Hawaii’s Big Island, United Policyholders is here to help. Through our Roadmap to Recovery program you will find tips, tools and resources for navigating an insurance claim and collecting all benefits owed.  In addition to the live workshops and volunteer attorney trainings we’ve provided in the Puna area to date, we will be continuing to add tips and info to this library, work with our local partners and answer consumer questions.

Our main focus is on helping you navigate your insurance claim toward a full, fair and prompt settlement.  We also offer guidance on debris removal, temporary living arrangements, government aid, construction issues, hiring professional help, and deciding how and if you will repair, rebuild or buy a replacement home.

Getting organized and oriented:

Here are some items to get you started putting one foot in front of the other on the road to recovery:

Additional Information and Related Articles:

Ask an Expert Forum:

The UP “Ask an Expert” forum is an easy and safe way to ask direct questions and get answers from experienced and reputable consumer-oriented attorneys, claim, construction, tax and finance professionals plus previous disaster survivors who serve as UP volunteers. Your identity and personal information are protected. Visit the “Ask an Expert” forum here.