PDR versus conventional repair Andrea Bartlett asked 2 years ago
PDR versus conventional repair

My car was damaged in a hail storm. I got estimates from the shop where I want to have it fixed and gave a copy to the guy the insurance company sent to look at my car. My insurance company says they will only cover the costs of PDR (paintless dent removal) and not the cost of conventional repairs. They are aware the repair shop where I want my car to be fixed does not do PDR, and they said I need to find someone that does. They are also aware there are no local shops that do PDR. My insurance company had a company they work with call me to try to schedule an appointment for me to have them fix my car. They also closed my claim 12 days before my car was scheduled to go in for repairs. The check they issued for repairs was made out to myself, my fiance, and our finance company, not the repair shop. Can an insurance company force me to get a specific type of repair done to my car in Oregon?

1 Answers
Answer for PDR versus conventional repair United Policyholders Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Andrea,

Oregon does not allow insurers to dictate where you repair. Please see https://dfr.oregon.gov/insure/auto/accident/Pages/repair-shops.aspx. You should file a complaint with the Oregon DOI. They have an online form as well as consumer hotline. And let your insurer know in writing that everything they laid out in their request is against Oregon law.