If California Fair plan is the insurer of last resort, are they allowed to refuse to renew a policy? lauranz asked 2 years ago
If California Fair plan is the insurer of last resort, are they allowed to refuse to renew a policy?


My mother’s house is with the California FAIR plan because no one else would insure the home due to the need for a new roof. We are looking at getting financing to pay for the roof, but the FAIR plan has sent a notice of non-renewal saying that the policy will be cancelled in two months if the house doesn’t get a new roof by then. I thought they were the insurer of last resort. Are they allowed to do this? If so, where else can my mother turn to get homeowners insurance?

1 Answers
Answer for If California Fair plan is the insurer of last resort, are they allowed to refuse to renew a policy? United Policyholders Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi there. So sorry you are experiencing this. We consulted with a representative from the CA Department of Insurance, and that person offered this response. “This is an issue we are familiar with and that we raised in a recent market conduct exam. We are currently working to resolve the issue of certain guidelines that may not be in line with the perils they insure. In the meantime, I’d suggest you file a Request for Assistance with us so we can see exactly what is going on and if we can find a solution before the two months are up. You can file the RFA online so you have ready access to the status.” Hope that helps and good luck.