Independent appraisal Shelley Ford asked 1 year ago
Independent appraisal

There is an option in our insurance policy allowing for us (the insured) to request an independent appraisal by both the insured and the insurance company and that an agreed upon Umpire would make the final decision on which appraisal is accurate. The claim is on a mobile home that was covered under “other structures.” We do not agree to their value determination. Do you have any experience with this process? I’m trying to find an appraiser now figuring I would get an appraisal first before making the request with the insurance company. That way if the appraisal supports the insurance company’s value determination, I would not waste everyone’s time making the request. Would love to know what you think?

1 Answers
Answer for Independent appraisal United Policyholders Staff answered 1 year ago

Hi Shelley,

You can read about appraisal in some publications on our website: Policyholders Can Win in Appraisal and Insurance Appraisal Simplified.

We list some appraisal and estimating companies on our website. To find them, visit our Find Help Directory, select your state, and then choose “Dwelling Loss Valuation and Estimating” from the dropdown menu. Before hiring any professional, it’s important that you understand how fees and costs will be handled, and speak with at least one prior client reference.

Please note that UP strives to help consumers who are seeking qualified and reliable professional help, but we cannot warrant the work or services of professionals, even if they are listed in our Find Help directory or serving as volunteers with our organization. We encourage you to check references and thoroughly vet before hiring.