We lost our house in the Marshall Wildfire, our 2 year ALE period is up 30 Dec 2023. I downloaded the STATE REQUIREMENTS ON ALE-3 CCR 702-5 DORA Emergency Regulation 22-E-09 Tolling Time Limits. Is the document binding on insurance companies? I showed it to my adjuster and he seemed to say they didn’t need to pay past 2 years. We were unable to afford an architect at first and finally found one that was only $4 per sq foot, there was a shortage of architects at the time, also we couldn’t find a builder that could start immediately as there was a shortage. We now have a permit and a builder, but it will be a year before our house is finished. It seems to me that the insurance company should cover our ALE according to that document and the reasons we are requesting extending the ALE period.