What is the deadline for completing repairs/rebuild in Texas? Courtney Nguyen asked 9 months ago
What is the deadline for completing repairs/rebuild in Texas?

State Auto has this in dwelling settlement letter sent to me: “According to the terms and conditions of your policy, we will pay no more than the actual cash value of the damage until actual repair or replacement is complete. You may then make a claim for the recoverable depreciation amount, provided you notify us of your intent to do so within 180 days after the date of loss. Any amounts shown as non-recoverable or settlement factor are not eligible for reimbursement. Once the repairs to your property have been completed, please send your final invoice(s) along with any other supporting documentation. Payment for up to the eligible amounts in our estimate will be considered, but no more than the necessary amount actually spent.”

My questions:

What does it mean by ‘your intent to do so’?

Does that mean I must complete all repairs within 180 days?

How should I write to insurance asking for all deadlines, time limit on benefits, payments?

I know UP has a sample letter asking for deadlines extension and it is very helpful. But I also want to send them a letter/email asking for all deadlines, time limits they set on benefits, payments, etc.

We are in Texas.

Date of loss: 6/21/23 so we are almost at 4 months now already and can’t even begin the repairs yet because I am still fighting with insurance on dwelling and content amounts.


1 Answers
Jim Beneke Jim Beneke Expert answered 8 months ago

Please see my comments next to your questions.

My questions:

What does it mean by ‘your intent to do so’? You can preserve you right to make a replacement cost claim by notifying your insurance company that you planning to do so in the future. That notice must be given within 180 days of the date of loss.

Does that mean I must complete all repairs within 180 days? No, it does not. However, there may be other time frames for you to be aware of. Most policies allow at least one year to complete repairs and make your replacement cost claim. Some are two years. Most time frames can be extended if a request is made in writing.

How should I write to insurance asking for all deadlines, time limit on benefits, payments? I would send an email to your adjuster with a copy to your agent. In that email you can tell them that you intend to make a replacement cost claim and need to know how long you have to complete the repairs. Ask them to provide you with the language from the policy. Also ask them to acknowledge your email so that you will have a record of your notification.