The insurance company ignores payment for the accident Petro Makletsov asked 9 months ago
The insurance company ignores payment for the accident

Hello everyone. I live in the state of California. In January of this year, I had an automobile accident involving my car after which my car was damaged and I was no longer able to drive the car. I had full coverage with my insurance company Safeco Insurance…. One of the official shops inspected my car and concluded that the car was beyond repair, the conclusion was sent to my insurance company and my insurance company requested the opinion of another official shop to have a second opinion about my car. As a result, the insurance company did not send its representatives to the first inspection, or to the second inspection (and in the first and second case they were invited). The insurance company sent only half of the requested amount for the car and also refused to pay medical expenses related to this accident (although my coverage I had allowed to do it). At the moment the insurance company completely ignores any further progress on this issue. Can anyone help me to sort out this issue?

1 Answers
Answer for The insurance company ignores payment for the accident United Policyholders Staff answered 8 months ago

You are entitled to the fair market value of the car (FMV, a range between a low and a high based on market rates) if the car was totaled. We don’t think the insurance company needs to or should send a representative. Paperwork should suffice.

As long as the “half” the insurance company sent was for the Fair Market Value of the car, we don’t see a problem.

If you had Med Pay coverage and were injured, you should be entitled to Med Pay.

An insurance company has a duty to timely respond (15 or 40 days depending) under the Fair Claims Settlement Act.

This answer was provided by a volunteer attorney, Evan Walker. If you want to follow up with Evan, you can contact him at