My claims adjustor has requested confirmation of cause of loss from the property manager where I rent. A Code Compliance Officer from the city of Pasadena has already certified the damage and informed the property manager to repair it. However, my insurance insists on obtaining confirmation from the property manager and the property manager has either lied about the cause of loss or has refused to provide it despite the fact that thier own maintance team has stated the property and my personal property have been damaged. Any advice?
Hi Juan, it is common that the carrier needs to verify the cause of loss for property damage to confirm whether or not your policy will provide coverage for your damages. This process is different than the county or city requiring your property manager to make repairs.
We would recommend that you contact your property manager and request that they return your carrier’s calls or provide via email or letter, what happened to cause your damages. You should also continue to follow up with your adjuster to make sure that this information is received. You may need to be polite but assertive when talking to your carrier. UP provides a great resource to help you with this process: