In a previous Q&A, UP said “For property insurance, losses from a previous fire are looked at. However with the case of wildfires, they are considered CAT (Catastrophe) losses and most insurers will not hold this against you when obtaining a new policy. Happy to point you in the direction of some if you’re having issues.” Can you please name the insurers who will not hold a CAT loss against homeowners seeking a new insurance policy?
Hi Koyo,
I do agree with that statement.
I think having a list of carriers would take a lot of collaboration but I would feel comfortable saying that the majority of admitted insurers will not count CAT losses against you. I also found this online by searching,
Legal & Regulatory Considerations:
CDI Rate Regulation (Prop 103)
Under Proposition 103 (Cal. Ins. Code § 1861.05), insurers must file and justify their rates with the CDI.
The CDI requires that catastrophic losses be accounted for in the base rate calculation, rather than being imposed as post-loss surcharges.
This ensures that rates remain fair and actuarially sound.
No Specific Ban in the Insurance Code
There is no specific statutory language outright prohibiting surcharges for catastrophe losses.
However, because all rates and underwriting practices must be approved by the CDI, insurers generally do not apply surcharges post-catastrophe to avoid regulatory scrutiny.
Thanks, Amir