I don’t know where to begin. On Dec 29th 2022 our city had a water main break. It ended up flooding the basement of our property with over 4 ft of water. We were not notified until the next day when a neighboring business called us to let us know they had water seeping into their basement. After learning that I immediately called the city and yes, they were aware of the leak and shut off the water. I understand that the rule, generally, is anything past the meters are the property owners responsibility. The meters were located inside the basement that was flooded instead of outside the property. They said they would contact their insurance company and a claim would be made. It’s been over 3 weeks and we haven’t heard anything. I called the city’s maintenence supervisor and was told that I didn’t need to call him again and that if the insurance company needs anything they will contact me. I have been available to take calls at all time of the day and had voice mail at the ready in case it was needed.
I don’t know if I should call their company or not. Just to follow up if they did indeed have questions.
Thank you.