Filing a complaint with CDI against insurance company for denying my claim Mohamed Farooqui asked 2 years ago
Filing a complaint with CDI against insurance company for denying my claim

Can my insurance company retaliate against me by not renewing my Homeowners Policy if I file a complaint with the California Dept. Of Insurance?

1 Answers
Answer for Filing a complaint with CDI against insurance company for denying my claim United Policyholders Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Mohamed,

With a few exceptions, your insurance company can drop (non-renew) you as long as they give you written notice at least 75 days prior to the date your old policy will expire, and as long as they are following their own guidelines and not discriminating against you. Their guidelines must be objective, have a substantial relationship to the risk of loss, and be applied consistently.

You can read advice on what to do if your insurer drops you in this publication: Dropped by your home Insurer? Where to go for help in California.