How do I close a claim with FIGA? Mark Carley asked 11 months ago
How do I close a claim with FIGA?

Florida Insurance Guaranty! They owe us $60,000 and they offered us $1,500. This open claim keeps us from getting another insurance company to write a policy on our home. This is all due to FedNat going into bankruptcy back in 9/27/2022. It feels like extortion–if we want insurance on our home we have to take their lowball offer?

1 Answers
Answer for How do I close a claim with FIGA? United Policyholders Staff answered 11 months ago

Dear Mark,

Sorry that your insurance company’s insolvency is preventing you from getting new coverage. Citizens Property Insurance Company will offer you coverage if no other company will. The lowball offer is also frustrating. You can try filing a complaint with the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association or the Florida Department of Financial Services.

You can also try consulting with an attorney about your options. we do list a directory of consumer-oriented credentialed professionals on our website who support our mission and have experience in insurance law.

Please read our tips on Hiring Professional Help and Hiring an Attorney for an Insurance Claim, then visit our Find Help Directory, select your state, and then choose “attorney, legal help” from the dropdown menu. Before hiring any professional, it’s important that you understand how fees and costs will be handled, and speak with at least one prior client reference.

Please note that UP strives to help consumers who are seeking qualified and reliable professional help, but we cannot warrant the work or services of professionals, even if they are listed in our Find Help directory or serving as volunteers with our organization. We encourage you to check references and thoroughly vet before hiring.

We hope this information is helpful.