How to fight a denied insurance claim Phillip Lander asked 1 year ago
How to fight a denied insurance claim

Our personal insurance has denied our property claim because the adjuster misinterpreted our condo’s CC&Rs regarding liability. The CC&Rs repeatedly state that the homeowner is responsible for damages arising in their unit, but the adjuster is using one vaguely worded clause to deny responsibility. Our in-unit hot line pipe broke, in between our kitchen and bathroom, causing flooding, electrical damage, and a collapsed ceiling. We have sent him e-mails that have gone unanswered. How do we fight this?

1 Answers
United Policyholders Staff answered 11 months ago

Dear Phillip,

Thank you for contacting United Policyholders. We are sorry your are experiencing this and we apologize for the delay in responding to you. Please visit this section of our website and you will find a sample letter requesting information about your claim denial. We also have a specific publication about the California Department of Insurance (CDI) called Claim/Coverage Dispute Resolution Help.

We hope these resources are of good use to you.

Best of luck,

Team UP