Insurance exclusion for wildfire area Greg Messer asked 5 months ago
Insurance exclusion for wildfire area

We have been given notice from Nationwide that our insurance will not be renewed in December 2024. I have secured a policy through the Fair Plan that is OK, however it is way more expensive and falls short on benefits that I’m used to. A neighbor has referred me to this website for more information. He also was able to find an organization (through this site) that inspected his property to meet fire preparedness standards and was able to make remediations in a way that qualified the property to meet wildfire standards. The organization that did the inspection and remediation was able to get funding from a government grant. How can I engage this or a similar organization to assist me to improve my property in a similar fashion.

1 Answers
Answer for Insurance exclusion for wildfire area Alexis Ricci Staff answered 4 months ago

Hi Greg,

This is definitely as issue here in California and finding out exactly what is required by the carrier to ‘home harden’ and get fire prepared can be difficult and potentially costly. The carrier should provide you written confirmation of their decision – ask if you haven’t received it.

We recommend starting by contacting your local fire department and ask if they have performed any fire prevention inspections in your area. You can also contact the Institute for Home and Business Safety and if they have an inspector in your area, they’ll get you on the road. UP has a few sponsors that are doing inspections and mitigation work and providing certifications to provide to insurance companies. Here is one to start with:

You can also get useful information at:

We wish you luck!