Need Policy / Refused Renewal David Starnes asked 2 years ago
Need Policy / Refused Renewal


I live in Novato California. I own a 3/2 residence that I rent. The house backs up to open space. I have never had to use my homeowners insurance since I’ve owned the property (2011). I was just notified that by the insurer that they will not renew my fire policy. They say I live in a fire hazard area. I have called a couple companies and am told they will not insure my residence. I will continue searching, but would like assistance with ideas or names of companies that will insure my property.

Thank you for any assistance

Dave Starnes

1 Answers
Answer for Need Policy / Refused Renewal United Policyholders Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear David,

We’re sorry that you’re experiencing what is unfortunately a very common problem in California. We recently presented a webinar that discusses this topic in detail and you can view it on our website: Keeping Your Home Protected When Insurance Options are Limited and Expensive. You can also find additional resources in the shopping help section of our website and in this publication: Dropped by your home Insurer? Where to go for help in California.

We hope this information is helpful.