Neighbors garage fire burned down my manufactured home harold michael hoaglan hoaglan asked 8 months ago
Neighbors garage fire burned down my manufactured home

Last week, May 30, my neighbor’s garage burst into flames spreading to my house. I lost everything including my boat. The fire department was very clear this started in neighbor’s garage. We both have Foremost. I’m worried I don’t have enough coverage. I can’t sleep. Foremost insurance has paid for rent 3 months in advance.  Neighbor’s house is vacation house but if fire came from the neighbor’s I should be covered by their insurance? This is all new to me. My triple wide is 1985. We own our own lots here. Please, any positive words will help me. Thank you

1 Answers
Answer for Neighbors garage fire burned down my manufactured home Alexis Ricci Staff answered 4 weeks ago

Hi Harold, we are sorry for your loss. It’s great that you and your neighbor both have the same carrier and the carriers will address liability on the back end. It is typically best for you to utilize your own insurance for a loss of this magnitude and adress your damages with your carrier. Your rents will continue to be paid for (pursuant to your policy limits) while your claim damage is being addressed and your home replaced or repaired.

Take your time to address your loss with your carrier. You may have additional coverages for landscaping and debris removal coverage, pending your policy. Definitely ask your adjuster to review your policy coverages with you. UP has great resources for this. Check out

And if you do need professional help, please feel free to check professional resources at