Non-Renewal Because Refused Property Photos CaseyS asked 6 months ago
Non-Renewal Because Refused Property Photos

My carrier Lemonade wanted me to take dozens of photos of the interior and exterior of my house as a condition of renewal. I declined in part because of privacy and security concerns with submitting photos of a fully furnished interior home (with artwork, etc). My home is about 15 yrs old, I’ve only been here for 5 yrs and have had 1 roof claim 2 yrs ago after a tornado. I’m in GA. Are insurance companies legally allowed to make these demands and non-renew when customers decline?

2 Answers
Amy Bach Amy Bach Staff answered 4 months ago

Dear Casey,

You asked this question a long time ago and an expert answer never got published. Our deepest apologies. We have reassigned this question to another expert, but we’d like you to consider our answer. While it may feel intrusive, we do recommend that consumers use their cell phone to record an inventory of their possessions and images of their home.  If you want to stay insured with Lemonade, we suggest you take pictures that show the interior and exterior without exposing anything private.  Common sense suggests you take pictures that show your home to be in good condition.

Best of luck!

David Boohaker David Boohaker Expert answered 4 months ago

Dear Casey,

I know this isn’t what you were hoping, but the answer is yes, the insurance company can non-renew if you decline to give them what they ask for.  They don’t have to renew the policy every year, just like a customer doesn’t have to renew the policy if they get a better rate elsewhere.

