My home suffered storm damage in January 2023. Fortunately much of the remediation and repair is covered by my current provider. In March they sent me a non-renewal notice citing unacceptable risk. As of the end of April, repairs have not begun and are likely to go well beyond the end date for my policy. I’m stressing over the looming lack of coverage.
Here are my questions.
- Is an insurance provider allowed to non-renew in the middle of this claim?
- What happens to the claim at the end of my policy’s coverage?
- What happens if the repairs cost more than the insurance company’s estimates? I expect them to pay the difference within the limits of the policy even after the end date.
- It was very difficult to find coverage for this home in the first place. During my current insurance shopping effort, providers are saying they won’t insure until my claim is completed. How do I fill the coverage gap if the claim goes beyond the end of the policy and nobody will insure until the claim is done?