Plain language laws or requirements in Georgia for Title Insurance Andrea asked 2 years ago
Plain language laws or requirements in Georgia for Title Insurance

I was issued an owners policy for title insurance and the entire thing is next to impossible to understand and sections seem to contradict one another from one to the next. I reached out to the company that issued the policy asking to speak to someone for clarification and I was informed that I should seek help from an attorney which seemed ridiculous. My response was along the lines of “Let me get this straight, you will not discuss the policy that YOU wrote and issued with me, the policy holder and homeowner?” and evidently that’s exactly what’s happening.

Is this legal? What recourse do I have in this situation?

1 Answers
Answer for Plain language laws or requirements in Georgia for Title Insurance United Policyholders Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Andrea,

If your policy was issued by an agent, you can try reaching out to that person. If not, you can try to get to an underwriter at your carrier, if you’re able to reach that person. We have some information about how insurance companies are structured in this publication: Speak UP.

If you don’t want to incur legal costs, you can contact the Georgia DOI and see if they have someone that can help you.

If you’d like to contact an attorney to inquire about the legality of this issue, you can visit our Find Help Directory, select your state, and then choose “attorney, legal help” from the dropdown menu.

Hope that helps!