Requiring phone call to request an extension for Contents claims teamlandm asked 11 months ago
Requiring phone call to request an extension for Contents claims

The “Claims Associate” said, “if we are going to discuss any extensions for Contents, we need to set-up a call.” We have requested email communications. I suffer from anxiety and get very agitated when dealing with the insurance company claim. I asked for an accommodation.

Please advise. We submitted our list in September and they replied with questions in February. I just submitted the answers however our deadline is looming. “Your deadline for recovering depreciation for your house and personal property (contents) expires on March 16, 2024.”

Is it true that they “NEED” to speak to us by phone? Can they force us to speak by phone? Is there a regulation?

1 Answers
Daniel Veroff Daniel Veroff Expert answered 10 months ago

Hi there,

I’m sorry you are going through this. The insurance company has the legal right to take a “recorded statement” and to examine you under oath. However, for general conversations, they do not have legal authority to require you to communicate verbally. I suggest that you reiterate to the insurance company that you prefer discussing in writing and ask them to explain why they cannot process your claim without a verbal conversation. Also ask for them to cite the specific provisions of the policy that requires you to have a verbal conversation.