State Farm Contents Inventory lesleybreitbach asked 3 years ago
State Farm Contents Inventory

We have been trying to complete our contents inventory for almost 2 years after a total loss in a 2020 wildfire claim. We received an advance of about 150k and have about 340k in contents coverage. We are really struggling and have only gotten about 5% of our inventory done. We are seriously considering giving up and are wondering if we will have to justify our advance or if we can just close the claim?

1 Answers
Answer for State Farm Contents Inventory United Policyholders Staff answered 3 years ago

Dear Leslie,

We understand your frustration with completing this difficult, time-consuming task.

Here at UP, we are trying to make the process of submitting a total loss easier by encouraging insurers to agree to pay limits without forcing customers to go through the inventory process. You can read which ones responded to Commissioner Lara’s 2020 request to offer a percentage of payouts on contents benefits here. If your insurer is on this list and you are not receiving this benefit, you can contact the CA Department of Insurance for assistance.

We also offer a sample letter requesting a waiver of the contents itemization requirement here, and you can modify it to suit your circumstances.

If you still need help, we also offer spreadsheets that you can download to help you with your contents itemization. You can find them on our samples page (look at the bottom under “Personal Property Claim Documents and Resources”).

You might also want to watch Troubleshooting Your Contents Claim, in case you missed it the first time.

We hope this helps!