subrogation of claim after electrical fire Tyler Davis asked 1 year ago
subrogation of claim after electrical fire

We had a house fire and the forensic investigation identified a faulty kitchen stove as the source. I have received a “subrogation receipt” from a lawyer who was hired by the insurance company to subrogate my claim. It looks like they’re asking to settle with the at-fault party on my behalf. Am I waiving any of my rights by signing this? Has anyone sued a responsible party for non-financial damages from an insurance claim? We have been displaced from our home for over a year.

2 Answers
United Policyholders Staff answered 11 months ago
United Policyholders Staff answered 11 months ago

Dear Tyler,

I am based in Vermont and though we’re both small and adjoining neighbors, VT and NH can be pretty different. I expect the policy has a subrogation provision. If it does, signing off would be OK, or more likely, required. The caveat would be if the homeowner’s insurer didn’t fully compensate you for the losses sustained. The release would then need to be adjusted so that your claims were preserved (assuming the differential were enough to care about).

I hope this offers a bit more for you.

Kevin Brown