Total Loss due to vandalism & theft michelle mcleod asked 2 months ago
Total Loss due to vandalism & theft

I will try to be concise and brief. I have very good renters insurance. I have a unique situation. I have been illegally locked out of my residence. I was able to gain access momentarily to the residence, and confirmed everything is gone. The property owner is belligerent and always intoxicated. I am so scared right now and I don’t really know what to do. I think I should file my claim immediately. What should I do?

1 Answers
Answer for Total Loss due to vandalism & theft Alexis Ricci Staff answered 4 weeks ago

Hi Michelle, given the facts you shared, you should contact the local authorities to assist with your accessing your unit. And you may need to engage professional help if this is a landlord-tenant dispute.

Check out California Tenant Guide, which will provide useful information for your circumstance:

Open your insurance claim with your carrier as soon as possible. You will need to file a police report if you believe your property was broken into and things stolen. The carrier will ask you for this report information when opening your claim. Take photos and make notes about what you see and who you talk with when you are able to access the unit. UP provides information on how to handle your renter’s insurance claim here