What earthquake insurance coverage to get? Oscar Tyler asked 2 years ago
What earthquake insurance coverage to get?

I live a couple blocks from the Hayward fault in Berkeley, California. Happily I’m just out of the wildfire zone but we are due for a major quake and now that I’ve owned my house for 25 years, my equity is large enough that I really need to protect it…at the beginning the bank owned most of it…

But I am totally confused by the options on the CA earthquake site, and how they mesh with my State Farm policy where I have replacement cost, inflation and code upgrade add-ons, a personal articles policy and more. If I buy the earthquake coverage, will the contents of my house be insured under the earthquake policy or the main policy? What kind of deductible do you recommend going for? I don’t see any mention of earthquake coverage anywhere on this site, which really surprises me. Thanks for any and all advice on this topic.

1 Answers
Answer for What earthquake insurance coverage to get? United Policyholders Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Oscar,

Buying earthquake insurance is of course an individual decision, and the amount of your deductible will depend on your risk tolerance. We offer several publications on our website that can help you decide. These publications include Mind the Gap – Do you need earthquake insurance?, Earthquake Insurance Shopping Resources for Homeowners, and you might also be interested in reading Is Earthquake Insurance Right For You?. You can discuss all your options with a knowledgeable agent.