Valerie Brown

Program Specialist

Valerie Brown serves as United Policyholders’ Deputy Executive Director, supporting our three programs and all aspects of the organization’s activities.  She has an extensive background in crisis counseling, case management, community coordination, disaster preparedness and recovery and non-profit administration. A highly respected leader in immediate and long term disaster recovery, Val has expertise in federal and state programs and funding streams, charitable and faith-based resources, and insurance, mortgage and construction matters.  She is a resident of Rancho Bernardo, a suburb of the City of San Diego.  Her engagement in wildfire recovery and property insurance matters began after the October 2007 “Witch Creek” fire devastated her community and took the homes of many of her neighbors and friends. Since that time, Val has participated in and supported countless wildfire and insurance recovery operations throughout California, Colorado and Oregon. With over a decade of disaster-related experience, Valerie currently serves on the board of the national Disaster Leadership Team, San Diego County VOAD and the National Aging In Place Council.

Valerie Brown