The National Flood Insurance Program has showed strong leadership by granting UP’s request to make it easier for households and businesses impacted by Harvey to get their insurance claims filed and paid fairly and on time. The program operates under rules set by Congress.
The National Flood Insurance Program has shown strong leadership by granting UP’s request to make it easier for households and businesses impacted by Harvey to get their insurance claims filed and paid fairly and on time. The program operates under rules set by Congress.
The rules for NFIP claims are much more strict and technical than standard property insurance claims. They say how and when you have to file your flood damage claim, how detailed it has to be, how quickly it can be paid, how long you have to appeal/challenge the NFIP’s payment or denial, and an assortment of other limitations. The rules have caused great frustration and economic pain to countless flood victims over the years, and cost the agency dearly in expert fees, bad publicity, and litigation.
In light of the scale of Harvey’s devastation, and lessons learned the hard way after Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina, the bulletin the program issued on September 3rd, 2017, is welcome news for impacted households and businesses in Texas.
THANK YOU, NFIP leadership.