Policy expiration Alexandra Newmark asked 2 weeks ago
Policy expiration

When I first bought my residential policy in 2022 I was given a complete copy. This policy had expiration dates. Every time I renew, I review the renewal in its entirety (about 33 pages).

My insurance company is now saying that there were riders in that original policy (which has expired) that apply to my current policy. But none of those were found in the current declarations, notices or endorsements in my renewal, current active policy. Can they apply the rider from the expired policy to my current loss?

1 Answers
Daniel Veroff Daniel Veroff Expert answered 1 week ago

Hi Alexandra,

Your insurance policy is a contract that contains the material terms. You are correct that the declarations pages of an insurance policy will list all the forms that are part of the policy. When the insurance company renews the policy and sends you the renewal information it sends updated declarations pages and important endorsements. Any reductions or changes to coverage must be clearly and explicitly identified or they are not enforceable. If the insurance company is attempting to apply terms that are not part of the policy, then those terms are likely unenforceable. You should request certified copies of all your policies. This requires the insurance company to issue a declaration confirming what documents make up the complete policy contract. If the terms are not in the contract, then you should point that out to the insurer. If the insurer argues that a term was left out by mistake and should be added in now, you should review the laws for policy reformation or talk to an attorney, to evaluate the merits of the insurance company’s position.

Kindly, Dan