Contents Inventory California Time Limits Adam Johnson asked 1 week ago
Contents Inventory California Time Limits

We lost our property in the recent Eaton Fire.

Our insurance company is pressuring us for a full contents list and they keep mentioning a 60 day time limit.

What is the California time limit for submitting out contents list?

Is there an California Insurance code section we can refer our insurance to specifying the amount of time we have to submit our lists?

1 Answers
Daniel Veroff Daniel Veroff Expert answered 4 days ago

Hi Adam,

The insurer cannot enforce the deadline unless it can prove that your failure to comply prejudices it’s claim investigation. Proving prejudice requires proving that the insurer lost the ability to evaluate your claim or that process has become substantially impaired due to the failure to comply with the deadline. That’s extremely difficult for the insurance company to prove especially this soon after the loss. In fact, it’s unreasonable if the insurer is leading you to believe that your claim will be considered if submitted past this deadline. We recommend that you politely disagree with the insurance company in writing and inform it that you are moving as quick as reasonably possible under your particular circumstances. We also recommend that you ask them to explain any prejudice they feel they are experiencing.