ALE leeannsorensen11 asked 1 year ago

In a request for assistance sent to the Department of Insurance, AMICA has denied coverage for all ALE and storage of personal property. They are claiming the bank foreclosed on me. Amica claims that the home was livable prior to the foreclosure. The home became unlivable to me when the bank sold the home due to non-payment of the mortgage loan.

This is the most bizarre situation, as I had water damage, toxic mold and a fire. I filed bankruptcy on my property and sold the home. Despite trying to clarify AMICA’s misunderstanding, I have endured financial hardship by having to pay all storage and hotel fees myself. I have been unable to get an attorney submit a demand for payment for me. I hope you have some ideas.



1 Answers
United Policyholders Staff answered 11 months ago

Dear Lee Ann

I think you said you tried but couldn’t hire an attorney.  My guess is the amount in dispute was too small for lawyers who work on a contingency fee basis –

You might try some of the ones in our Find Help directory.
It helps to have a brief chronology written out so you don’t have to repeat yourself when pitching your case to a law firm:

Date of fire – damage and outcome, who did the repairs? when were they completed? did an insurer pay for them?
Date of water damage and mold – what was the cause/source? what has transpired since the damage?
Other key dates in order (denial letter received, appeal sent, etc.)
Our staff does not have the licensing or capacity to represent individuals on claim disputes, but we certainly hope the materials in our libraries will be helpful to you.
Team UP