Insurance Company hired Contractor United Policyholders Staff asked 4 years ago
Insurance Company hired Contractor

Our insurance agent hired an independent contractor because our blueprints and home was completely destroyed. The independent contractor submitted a high appraisal then the insurance wanted to pay, so the Insurance Adjustor reduced the amount of predicted costs, When I asked the insurance adjustor why the appraisal was less, he said, “People make mistakes.” Do I have a right to see the Independent Contractors estimate, even though the insurance hired him.

1 Answers
Chris Rockers Chris Rockers Expert answered 4 years ago

Absolutely. You are entitled to see the rebuild estimate prepared by the contractor retained by your insurance company – especially if the insurance company is using the estimate to adjust the Dwelling portion of your claim. Your insurance adjuster should also explain what revisions, if any, were made to the contractor’s estimate and why. Whether you ultimately decided to rebuild, purchase another home, or another alternative, you may also wish to consider retaining your own general contractor to prepare an accurate, reasonable, and defendable rebuild estimate rather than rely solely on an estimate prepared on behalf of the insurance company.