Mid-stream rules change on possession inventory Gregory Babior asked 2 weeks ago
Mid-stream rules change on possession inventory

I suffered a total loss in the Los Angeles Eaton fire and have been collecting info on possessions for insurance. My insurance company contracted with someone to help with that process and she provided me with instructions and a template to follow, including a set of categories with which to tag each possession (adult cloths, housewares, etc.). I spent a lot of time reworking my list to conform that.

Just now, I’ve been told that the category list and instructions have changed significantly – that the list is now much more granular, that insurance requires everything to be captured by room, etc. All of the significant time I spent reworking to conform with their first set of instructions is now wasted with this bad faith change of requirements. Do I have any recourse?

1 Answers
Answer for Mid-stream rules change on possession inventory United Policyholders Staff answered 1 week ago

Hi Greg,

Without knowing the full situation, we will provide feedback on what you information you provided. Pursuant to Department of Insurance Regulations, carriers are required to accept content inventories ‘bulked,’ meaning that you can lump similar items, for example, hard bound books. Many carries ask that you do this room by room. Unfortunately, if the adjusting team that first responded to the claim is now required to provide this information in a different format, you may be oblidged to repond acccordingly. If you originally provided this information via a spreadsheet, it would be a matter of reclassifying the information into rooms.

This would not consisture bad faith. We would recommend that you revew the following UP resources for more information:


