photo cost mehagler asked 6 months ago
photo cost

I lost all my family photos as well as the family photos for my family in the Marshall Fire. Do you have an estimate of how much each photo would cost to replace – as I’m still working on my Personal Property inventory.

My next question is – if I’m still working on Personal Property – I’ve sent State Farm a first draft which is not complete. I know I have 3 years which is coming due in December 30th for Personal Property – does that mean I have to have it done and they have to deal with going through it and we’ll still be discussing after the December date? Does that make sense?

2 Answers
Rich Csaposs Rich Csaposs Expert answered 4 months ago

Dear Consumer mehagler,

You asked this question in September and the expert answer never got published. Our deepest apologies. Below is the expert answer we received.

I understand that you have 36 months to submit a claim for personal property when a declared state of emergency occurs. It would be in your best interest to comply with the submission of that inventory within that time period. You may be discussing the items on the inventory after December 30 for clarification and payment purposes with State Farm. If the lost items had not been replaced within the first two years after the loss, you may be limited to the depreciated value known as Actual Cash Value.

Insurance companies have requirements for the submission of a claim, but they can make exceptions for insured’s that are having difficulty providing an inventory. I suggest contacting the adjuster, via email at State Farm, requesting an extension in writing to provide the inventory and see if they are willing to add another 6 months or a year. If not, then you will be held to the 36 month period required.

I hope this helps.


Brian Evans Brian Evans Expert answered 2 months ago

Good afternoon and sorry to hear for your loss. There are companies that specialize in photo restoration. I do not work in Colorado but a quick internet search turns up a company called “Memory Cherish” that has good reviews. You may find other local companies that specialize in this type of work. Typically the carrier will include the cost to reprint your picture (same size copy) when evaluating your claim.  Hope that is helpful to you and good luck!