What to do after losing a home in an assisted living facility? Emily Williams asked 4 weeks ago
What to do after losing a home in an assisted living facility?

My father was a resident at an assisted living facility that was destroyed by the Eaton fire on January 7, 2025. Because it is no longer standing, there is no one answering the phone or responding to emails. How do I find information on its insurance policy and whether it will cover any of my father’s housing, care, or personal items? We paid rent for January; is any of it reimburseable or applicable to another facility?

1 Answers
Answer for What to do after losing a home in an assisted living facility? Alexis Ricci Staff answered 3 weeks ago

We are sorry for your situation. It is not uncommon for it to takeseveral days for a housing facility to properly traige communication and potential alternative housing accomodations for its members. The facility should be reaching out to your father, next of kin or legal contact. Unfortunately, the facilities manager or contact representative are the ones to provide any insurance information, including alternative accomodations.

For the time being, save all receipts for purchases or alternative housing, including clothing, medication, food, etc. Start at https://uphelp.org/disaster-recovery-help/2025cawildfires/ for information about tracking these expenses.

You may need to engage professional help to track down the facility’s insurance information. Start this process at https://uphelp.org/sponsors/

If you did secure a secondary policy for your dad, we would recommend you contact the carrier to discuss the situation and determine what, if any coverage the policy has for alternative accomodations.