May 5, 2016 Spring UPward: A Roadmap to Recovery™ UPdate Bach Talk As we work to stay the course in two communities ravaged by wildfires and strive to raise the necessary funds to cover the costs, we are connecting with flood victims and our partners in the Lone Star State. We are beefing up our Flood…
February 9, 2016 Onward and UPward – Advocacy and Action Alert This year marks UP’s 25th year and we are off to a productive start. We’ve already racked up two policyholder legal wins and weighed in on legislation that would impact insurance consumers in Arizona, Washington D.C., Colorado, New York, Massachusetts, California, and Hawaii. We’ve hosted…
August 4, 2015 Things are looking UP – Advocacy and Action UPdate UP aids in landmark ruling for Pennsylvania policyholders The main purpose of liability insurance is to defend, protect and cover you if you get the scary and expensive news that you’ve been named in a lawsuit. The vast majority of lawsuits get resolved through settlements, not…
April 28, 2015 Building you UP – Roadmap to Preparedness UPdate THRIVE-ing after a flood After a winter storm caused severe flooding south of San Francisco, UP answered evacuees’ insurance questions at a temporary shelter and help center in San Mateo, California. Several months later at an Enhancing Community Resilience Conference hosted by the THRIVE alliance…
March 19, 2015 Looking UP – Advocacy and Action The NFIP on the hot seat UP is using the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain important data for our advocacy work on behalf of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders impacted by Superstorm Sandy. We began digging for information on NFIP claim…
December 1, 2014 Three Tidings to Cheer – Amicus Project UPdate Glad tidings…three consumer wins for the Amicus Project: Allstate Property and Casualty Co. v. Jared Wolfe The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ruled 5-1 in favor of the position we took as a friend of the court, concluding that statutory bad faith damages may be assigned…
September 17, 2014 Amicus Project UPdate UP and Running – Our Amicus Project is stronger than ever We have filed 25 briefs since our last newsletter was published and 22 in 2014 alone; state and federal courts across the country are hearing the policyholder voice loud and clear. In California, Indiana,…
August 12, 2014 Happy Summer! We’re over halfway through 2014 and the UP team is busy as ever… guiding people recovering from floods and fires; helping people make good insurance decisions in preparation for wildfire, tornado, and hurricane seasons; and speaking UP for consumers in courts, the media and legislatures…
July 1, 2014 3 ways to get prepared this summer As summer heats up, spend a few minutes on a home insurance check-up. As many Colorado disaster survivors will tell you, the trauma of a loss is ten times worse if your coverage is out of date or has major gaps. Check your “Coverage A” dwelling…
January 1, 2014 What’s UP? January 2014 We have dived in to another year of working hard and being useful throughout the nation. We’ve got six disaster recovery and two preparedness workshops coming up in February, amicus briefs, reports and new buyers’ guides in production. Our newWhat’s UP with Renter’s Insurance is now available in…
May 1, 2013 What’s UP? May 2013 Bach Talk We were excited to begin this newsletter with three major announcements: A recent legislative victory for policyholders in Colorado and two significant grants: One supporting Roadmap to Recovery services to Sandy victims in New Jersey, and another from FEMA to help the Bay…
August 22, 2012 Life Insurers on the Hot Seat Retained Asset Accounts (RAAs) were a relatively obscure feature of certain life insurance policies until a bloomberg News series thrust them into the limelight of controversy in the summer of 2010. Since that time UP has been engaged on several fronts in improving conditions related to these accounts for consumers.…
August 2, 2012 Summer 2018 Newsletter Hard work lies ahead in Colorado Our Roadmap to Recovery services will be in high demand again in Colorado when this summer’s horrendous wildfires are contained. Just as we did in Boulder in 2010, we’ll be deploying staff and volunteers and partnering with local government…
February 1, 2012 What’s UP? ENews is Back! Roadmap to Recovery Thanks to a grant from the Austin Community Foundation, UP is currently providing wildfire insurance recovery support services in Bastrop, Texas (a half hour southeast of Austin). The homes of thousands of families were destroyed or damaged in a fast-moving wildfire in…
June 1, 2009 Roadmap to Recovery™ Program Update: June 2009 Santa Barbara Wildfire Recovery UP is in Santa Barbara assisting homeowners impacted by the Jesusita fire, an unseasonably early wildfire that hit in May. Staffer Rebecca Huston manned a table at the Local Assistance Center the week after the fire. Volunteer and Roadmap Advisor Ken…
October 16, 2007 Fall 2007 Newsletter Online Groups Fuel Recovery and Reform Thanks to the power of the Internet to link people and information, United Policyholders’ reach extends throughout the United States. Our website is making tips and resources available in all regions, and the Internet is fueling the success of…
October 5, 2005 Fall 2005 Newsletter If your fingers are aching from typing in our full name, now you can get all the on-line insurance scoop you’ve ever wanted and more by simply going to Not only have we added a second, shorter web address, we’ve added new features to…