October 11, 2014 Living in wildfire country? Make sure you clear a defensible space and update your insurance There’s nothing like a mountain cabin for a great vacation getaway, a retirement home or simply a quiet and beautiful place to live. But the relaxed pace of living and the fresh scent of pine trees come with a risk — the threat of wildfires…
September 30, 2014 Live In a Multigenerational Home? Time to Revisit Your Insurance Coverage Boomerang kids – adult children moving back in with mom and dad while they save money or search for jobs – aren’t the only ones shacking up in spare bedrooms or basement suites. Rising nursing home costs have also caused many older Americans to move…
September 30, 2014 Fire, flood, mud: insurance benefits can vary greatly An estimated 45 percent of people who lost homes or property in the wildfires had no insurance, including almost all the renters. But the rest — in the midst of cleaning up debris, figuring out where they will live, buying new clothes, and coping with…
September 29, 2014 Divided opinions over value of earthquake insurance Tom Fuller could tell how well folks understood earthquake insurance once he mentioned that he has a policy for his damaged home in Napa. The uninitiated responded, “Well, you’re lucky.” The more knowledgeable said, “I hope you didn’t hit your deductible.” Fuller, a public relations…
September 29, 2014 Back home safe and sound We’ve worked a lot of disasters. But this month a hurricane hit too close to home. While on a well-deserved vacation in Mexico, our Program Coordinator was caught in the path of Hurricane Odile. After being stranded for 5 days without power, running water, cell…
September 17, 2014 Amicus Project UPdate UP and Running – Our Amicus Project is stronger than ever We have filed 25 briefs since our last newsletter was published and 22 in 2014 alone; state and federal courts across the country are hearing the policyholder voice loud and clear. In California, Indiana,…
September 4, 2014 The world’s most common natural disasters by country If nothing else, California’s earthquake is a reminder that nature doesn’t always play nice. Floods, cyclones and the like take a toll everywhere they hit. But just where do these disasters occur the most? According to the International Disaster Database, each country is faced with…
September 4, 2014 Minneapolis Couple Has Insurance Warning For Homeowners A Twin Cities couple calls their experience with an insurance company a lesson that all homeowners should learn. David Hettlinger and his wife are still trying to recover from a storm two summers ago. Wind damaged the roof of their home in southeast Minneapolis, but…
September 2, 2014 Who Should Have Earthquake Insurance? Listen to the audio online Download audio MP3) Justin Sullivan/Getty Images A passerby stops to look at a collapsed carport following the 6.0 South Napa Earthquake on August 24, 2014. Last weekend’s South Napa Earthquake is a dramatic reminder to Bay Area property owners that…
August 29, 2014 After Napa Jolt, Quake-Proofing Your Homeowner’s Insurance AS Napa County, Calif., recovers from the earthquake that jarred the area last weekend, many homeowners may be wondering whether they should buy special earthquake insurance. “You better believe there’s a lot of people who wish they had it,” said Amy Bach, executive director of…
August 28, 2014 Buying the Right Auto Insurance for Your Teen Driver When parents of a teen first watch their baby take the wheel, they may be too busy seeing the years flash before their eyes to focus on insurance for the family’s newest driver. Putting a new teen driver on the road can be scary —…
August 28, 2014 FEMA Inspectors Make No Aid Guarantees After Assessing Napa Quake Damage A lot of homeowners impacted by Sunday’s earthquake are wondering if they’ll get any federal help rebuilding their homes. Insurers are out in force at the Red Cross Center, but only 10 percent of Californians buy earthquake insurance. On Wednesday, inspectors from FEMA started surveying…
August 27, 2014 Getting a Good Insurance Settlement Takes Time NAPA, Calif. KGO) –Many of the victims of this week’s Napa earthquake are already dealing with their insurance companies. Those that want the best settlement can expect to put in a lot of work. Getting a good settlement with an insurance company can be as…
August 27, 2014 Napa earthquake insured losses estimated at $2.1B, with wineries taking the biggest hit BY MICHAEL B. MAROIS, BLOOMBERG, ZACHARY TRACER, BLOOMBERG, DAN HART, BLOOMBERGThe earthquake that struck northern California yesterday will lead to economic losses of as much as $4 billion, fueled by damaged wineries and shuttered businesses that rely on tourists.Insurers will probably cover about $2.1 billion,…
August 27, 2014 Department of Insurance responds to assist residents following Napa quake News: 2014 Press ReleaseFor Release: August 25, 2014Media Calls Only: 916-492-3566Department of Insurance responds to assist residents following Napa quakeDepartment’s consumer services and enforcement teams on site to assist NAPA, Calif. – The 6.0 earthquake that struck the Napa valley in the pre-dawn hours Sunday,…
August 26, 2014 Should Insurance Companies Be Able to Consider Your Credit History? Most people know that their credit score impacts their ability to get a loan and even a job in some states – but what about their ability to get insurance? While insurance companies don’t use your credit score, many – 85% to 95% in most…
August 26, 2014 Should you buy earthquake insurance? Last weekend’s magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Napa, Calif., may be easy to dismiss if you live outside the West Coast, but it should prompt homeowners coast-to-coast to check their risk to determine whether earthquake insurance is warranted, because the threat may be greater than you…
August 26, 2014 Insurance Coverage Likely to Get More Respect After the California Earthquake One of the most predictable aftereffects of a hurricane or earthquake, such as the weekend’s California earthquake, is a spike in interest by homeowners in getting, or improving, their existing insurance coverage. And there is a lot of room for improvement in California, when it…