January 18, 2012 Is your independent insurance agent truly an independent agent? It’s no secret that independent insurance agents — who sell auto, home and other types of coverage from more than one insurer — earn their keep through a commission each time a customer signs up for a policy. After all, they need to be compensated…
January 18, 2012 Consumer Groups Speak Their Piece on Regulation to FIO Consumer representatives to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners say in a letter to the Federal Insurance Office that effective insurance regulation requires greater transparency and substantive regulation.The letter also says that insurance regulation through market competition “would be inadequate,” and adds that regulatory modernization…
January 10, 2012 Insurers setting the stage for rate hikes Insurers stress ’11 a costly year, suggest rate hikes aheadBy ANITA LEE – calee@sunherald.comRecord insured losses globally in 2011 mean insurance companies will pay more for their own policies, called reinsurance, which is expected to lead to higher property insurance rates for policyholders.Representatives of Munich…
January 9, 2012 Take Advantage of UP As another busy year winds to a close, take a moment to browse UP’s new website and take advantage of all we have to offer: A “Deals and Discounts” section where you’ll find discounts on Home Improvement items, Earthquake Kits and Green Cleaning Products that…
January 5, 2012 How to Do a “Needs Analysis” Before you Buy Life Insurance When buying life insurance, don’t choose a policy before you understand the financial needs of your beneficiaries. Damon Bates, a vice president at Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., says most people’s thinking is backwards when it comes to life insurance. They decide on the product…
January 1, 2012 Insurance Reform Legislation UP and wildfire survivors applaud policyholder protection legislation introduced in Colorado. United Policyholders is in our second year helping Boulder residents who were impacted by the September, 2010 “Fourmile Canyon” Wildfire. Through a series of educational workshops, outreach and services in coordination with Fourmile Fire…
December 15, 2011 David Baria celebrates victory after grueling campaign season I am happy to be a resident of one of the best communities in the entire world,” a jubilant David Baria said last night at his victory party at Bay St. Louis’ 100 Men Hall after his successful bid to succeed long-time state legislator J.P.…
December 5, 2011 A Home-Insurance Trap? Home-insurance policies are pretty much the same, and carriers compete on the basis of price and service—right? Believe those two myths and you might wind up paying dearly. Homeowner policies have important differences that can affect whether claims are paid, according to a study scheduled…
December 5, 2011 Understanding endorsements and riders for home insurance policies In the insurance world, endorsements have nothing to do with celebrities promoting products, and riders have nothing to do with cowboys. “Endorsement” and “rider” are two interchangeable — and often misunderstood — terms referring to additions to a home insurance policy that alter the policy’s…
December 1, 2011 Saving on your insurance Everyone can use some extra money in their pocket during the holiday season. UP always encourages consumers to raise their deductible. Here are a few more tips for saving on your insurance from two members of our Agent/Broker Advisory Board: “Make sure you are taking…
November 28, 2011 Workshops help Boulder County homeowners find out if they’re underinsured Once the last embers of the Fourmile Fire were extinguished, the owners of the 169 burned homes were left with another challenge — wrangling with their insurance companies. The results of their efforts may serve as a cautionary tale to other homeowners in Boulder County…
November 15, 2011 The Toll of the Tea Fire: Three years later, community struggles to rebuild On November 13, 2008, a firestorm roared across the flanks of the Santa Ynez Mountains and changed many lives in Montecito forever. Lance and Carla Hoffman were enjoying an afternoon together when the fire, still in its infancy, suddenly flared up and over a hillside.…
November 14, 2011 Major Improvements Coming to Crestmoor Neighborhood The city is set to begin the next improvements to the Crestmoor neighborhood as part of the effort to rebuild the area damaged by the Sept. 9, 2010, PG&E pipeline explosion. Some of the rebuilding work has already taken place to bring the neighborhood some…
November 9, 2011 The Great Shake Out: Drop, Cover and Hold On! United Policyholders will be participating in The Great California ShakeOut, and we hope you will too. What we do now, before a big earthquake, will determine what our lives will be like afterward. The ShakeOut is a statewide earthquake drill that will occur in houses,…
November 7, 2011 Sharp Disagreement At NAIC Session On Readability Of Consumer Information Industry representatives sharply disagreed with two law professors who argued personal lines policies should be posted online where they would be readily available to consumers who wanted to look at them prior to signing onto them. Spokesmen for the American Insurance Association and the National…
November 7, 2011 The cost of peace of mind Local couple fight for their long-term-care insurance. Edwin Goldstein who has been with his long-term-care insurer since 1993 is being asked to reapply because of an alleged missed payment. Goldstein has turned to attorneys, his congressman, and state officials for help. At 83, and eight…
November 1, 2011 20 years after Oakland firestorm, insurance snags remain Reporting from Oakland— For months after the 1991 Oakland hills fire reduced his home to a charred heap, Howard Matis would return from work, then close his eyes and imagine the contents of every drawer, shelf, cupboard and closet of his two-story bungalow. His was…
October 25, 2011 California Earthquake Authority CEO Praises Bipartisan Effort to Help Reduce Costs of Disaster Recovery The California Earthquake Authority applauds California’s U.S. Rep. John Campbell R-48), who today introduced H.R.3125 – companion legislation to S.637 introduced by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein earlier this year. Both bills would strengthen the nation’s natural disaster recovery system by enacting the Earthquake Insurance Affordability…