Disaster survivor volunteers Jim Pesout (Butte Fire, 2016), Karen Reimus (Cedar Fire 2003), and Roger Abrahim (House fire 2014) staffing UP’s table at a Recovery Resource Center
The scale of the devastation from the recent Northern California wildfires is just as mind-boggling as the number of homes, businesses, and lives that were impacted by hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria just a few months ago.
All we can do is all we can do. And thanks to UP’s many years of expertise and national network of volunteer partners – we can do ALOT. We are:
– Hosting workshops and keeping our libraries updated with current information for impacted households and businesses
– Answering questions at our workshops, Local Assistance Centers, and via email, phone calls and our Ask an Expert forum
– Generating new guidance as new issues arise
– Coordinating with partners to help as many people as possible
– Disseminating information through the media
We are so very grateful for all the volunteers who’ve so generously given their time and energy to help us provide the unique guidance that makes UP so valuable, and to the donors that support our work.
Roadmap to Recovery Program stats as of 10/31/17