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Monterey County

Monterey County

Below you will find local wildfire preparedness programs, grants and resources to help you make home / property improvements and reduce wildfire risk in your community.  Scroll down to access grants and resources for Monterey County.

Refer back to the “Get Started” page for statewide California information on brush clearing and other requirements and risk reduction resources for improving your home’s chances of surviving a wildfire and increasing your and your community’s eligibility for insurance discounts and renewal rewards.


Wildfire Risk Reduction (Mitigation) Resources

View grants, community programs and information that can help you reduce the chances of a wildfire damaging or destroying your home. “Home hardening” means home improvements.  “Defensible space” means creating a plant and tree-free zone around your home.

Wildland Inspection Program Monterey County Fire District encourages homeowners to use their provided checklist to help fire-safe their own property.

Visit their website or call (831) 455-1828 for more information.

Fire Safe Monterey Chipping Program Sign up on the Fire Safe Monterey webpage to indicate your interest in free vegetation chipping  service for your neighborhood. You will be notified when free chipping services will be in your area!

Call (831) 333-2600 or email for more information.

Carmel Highlands Chipper Program This Chipper Program is funded by the Carmel Highlands FPD to assist with the disposal of hazardous fuels. Property owners who remove vegetative material from their property to reduce the wildland fire hazard can have the material chipped and disposed of at no cost

Contact Fire Captain Shayon Ascarie at (831) 594-1427 for more information.


View contact information for Fire Safe Councils, Firewise Communities, and other programs that are working towards wildfire resilient communities.

Fire Safe Councils are community-led organizations that mobilize residents to protect their homes and communities from wildfire.
Fire Safe Council for Monterey County

Phone: (831) 333-2600

2221 Garden Road
Monterey, CA  93940

Highlands Community Fire Safe Committee

Phone: (831) 333-4600

73 Fern Canyon Rd,
Carmel CA 93923

Wildfire Preparedness

View contact information for Fire Safe Councils, Firewise Communities, and other programs that are working towards wildfire resilient communities.

Listos California Disaster Ready Guide

Monterey County Risk Map

Monterey County Disaster Directory

Monterey County Alerts

Local Fire Departments and Government Agencies

The Los Padres National Forest provides wildland fire protection for

and some
land along the Big Sur coast under the California Fire Master Agreement. The remaining
is under the jurisdiction of the San Benito-Monterey Unit of CAL FIRE.
, primarily urban and agricultural land, is covered by local and county fire departments.

Monterey Co OES Monterey County Office of Emergency Services

Phone: (831) 796-1905

Resource Conservation District of Monterey County

Phone: (831) 975-7775

744-A La Guardia Street
Salinas, CA 93905

Wildfire Risk Reduction and Insurance Updates