2019 SoCal Wildfires – Insurance Claim and Recovery Help

Through our Roadmap to Recovery program you will find tips, tools and resources relevant to the 2019 SoCal wildfires.  Our main focus is on helping you navigate your insurance claim toward a full, fair and prompt settlement.  We also offer guidance on debris removal, temporary living arrangements, government aid, construction issues, hiring professional help, and deciding how and if you will repair, rebuild or buy a replacement home.

If your home has been damaged or destroyed, we are very sorry. Please watch the First Steps After a Disaster video and make use of all the help our non-profit offers. That includes videos of our past Roadmap to Recovery workshops in other wildfire areas, a library of tipssamples and toolsguidance from past disaster survivors, and answers to individual questions from insurance claim and legal profession expert volunteers via our Ask an Expert forum.

If your home was spared but was exposed to extreme heat and smoke, we offer specialized guidance on insurance claim issues related to proper cleaning, inspecting for damage, restoring healthy indoor air quality and repairing obvious as well as hidden damage.


Here are some items to get you started putting one foot in front of the other on the road to recovery:

For more information on this program, visit our Claim Help Library.